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Can a Psychic Help Interpret Your Dreams?

Dream interpretation has a long history and no matter who you are and what you believe, you would have some point wondered what your dreams mean. While there are books and websites that offer a limited understanding of dreams, having a reading from Psychic Central can give you much greater detail and insight. Not only do psychics who specialise in dream interpretation have great knowledge on the subject but they will also be able to garner additional information from the spirit world.

What are dreams?

While neuroscientists have pinpointed when dreams occur (a point called REM sleep) there is still debate surrounding why we all dream. If they are merely a symptom of sleep then why do we need to have them? Here are some of the hypotheses put forward by scientists for the existence of dreams:

A visual representation of our hopes and dreams

As a way of consolidating memories

A ‘cleaning’ mechanism for our brains

A combination of past memories, present memories and possible future events

Simply as a by product of sleep

Psychics and dream interpretation

Many people throughout history and in modern times differ slightly in their opinions on dreams to this clinical view of dreaming. The Jewish prophet Daniel was famous in his time for dream interpretation – serving the Babylonian King and providing accurate readings of dreams representing future events. That is not to say that psychics believe all dreams to have meaning – some are just dreams – but rather the importance of dreams that really stand out to you.

Are you worried about your dreams?

If you are worried about a dream (we have all been woken in a sweat from a disturbing dream!) then a psychic is a great way to give yourself peace of mind. Rather than ponder the meaning of dreams it is better to seek some meaning – especially since the art of dream interpretation is probably as old as mankind itself.

Quite often your worry can manifest itself in your dreams and while this may not be a foretelling of bad things to come, it may give you a better idea about what is really bothering you in your life. Do not ignore those dreams that have stuck in your mind. It could be your subconscious or even the spirit world trying to warn you, guide you or even prepare you for something.