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Can You Change The Events In A Premonition?

If you have ever had a dream that you feel is a warning or a prediction of coming events then you just may have experienced a premonition. This is often confused with precognition which is actually a ‘dream’ (or occurs during sleep) that seems to predict future events. This leads to an interesting question – do these types of visions mean that they are inevitable or are they warnings of events we can avoid?

Difference Between A Premonition And Precognition

Precognitive visions are the most common type of vision that people consult psychics about. This can sometimes fall into the definition of dream interpretation although precognition differs slightly in nature – in that the dream seems to be pointing to a particular future event. Premonition on the other hand is harder to ignore as these types of waking visions can include ominous feelings as well as experiencing the future event.

The main difference between the two is that everyone dreams, however, not everyone has premonitions and those who do may only ever have one or a few. Premonitions can also come at the same time as precognition – almost like a double warning! Luckily, not all of these visions will mean a definitive future event and may even refer to something else that is happening in your life.

Are Your Dreams Literal?

Readers at Psychic Central are often asked to interpret dreams. While most dreams are actually forgotten before or not long after we wake up, some of them are so vivid that they make an impact on us. If you have had this type of dream you will know it can often be disturbing such as predicting the death of a love one, or some other tragic event.

Thankfully, most dreams are not literal and are unlikely to be a warning of a future catastrophe. Rather, they are often warnings from the spiritual realm pointing towards things we might need to change in our lives or even loved ones that may need our help.

Is It Just A Warning?

Many types of visions can act as warnings and there are numerous examples of these (delivered from the spirit world) throughout history. Remember, warnings from the spirit world won’t come without assistance and if it is a tragic event you have foreseen then it is not certain if it will come to pass. Opening up about your vision/s can certainly help, and you will find friends and psychics can definitely give you a different point of view.