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Mysterious Police Cases Solved by Psychics



There are so many people across the world seeking answers to unsolved crimes, and when police are lost for clues and leads they sometimes turn to psychics. While it is common for people to have psychic readings in their personal life these same skills possessed by a medium have proven invaluable for many police cold cases and ongoing investigations.

We know very well here at Psychic Central the peace of mind that psychic readings can provide for individuals and families and psychics working on police cases work under that same principle of providing a helping, spiritual, hand.

How TV Popularised Psychic Detectives

The most famous modern case of a psychic detective is that of Alison DuBois, which the television series Medium was based. As a medium, DuBois has the ability to communicate with departed souls which, as you can imagine, would be really helpful for many police investigations.

While real life differs immensely from a television drama, it does portray the sometimes hostile response that mediums and other psychics can face from traditional law enforcement. However, even some of the most sceptical detectives have sought further advice from psychics in the hope of finding new leads, evidence and even the location of bodies. Here are two interesting cases that have been helped along or solved by psychic detectives:

The Disappearance Of Edith Kiecorius

In 1961, Edith Kiecorius was abducted in Brooklyn, New York City but help came in the form of a psychic in the Netherlands. Gerard Croiset declined a free flight to New York and instead requested a photo of the child and a map of the area. Before receiving this information he was able to provide an impression of the girls’ location and a description of her abductor.

With the photograph and map he gave a clearer description of the location of the girl, and, unfortunately, revealed that she had been murdered. Using his description police were able to locate the body within hours. The killer was later arrested and surprisingly fit the description that Croiset had originally provided.

The Disappearance Of Paula Brown In Sydney

After a Sydney hairdresser had been out with friends and failed to come home, her fiancé sought the help of Philippe Durant to locate her. Using the simple tools of a plumb bob and a map the psychic was able to pinpoint the location of Paula Brown’s body within two kilometres of where it was later found by chance – by a passing truck driver. Police confirmed that the information provided by the psychic was correct.

As the above two cases show, psychics can provide useful information for police investigations and missing person cases in particular.