Picasso once said that every child is an artist; the problem is in remaining one once grown up. This definitely echoes the sentiment about psychic ability in kids. Kids are super sensitive to their surroundings. Their minds are still so pure and uncluttered that it’s easier for them to be truly aware of what’s around them. For instance, many parents wonder about the imaginary friend that their kid claims to have. When babies insist on chatting up the empty corner of a room, is it just typical infant entertainment, similar to them being amused by something as ordinary as a rock? When they talk about a past life, is it really just a dream, their imagination, or something more? In short, kids start out in life bearing an uncanny ability that eventually fades away as they grow up.
Children have a better ability to connect with the universal psychic energy source or “chi”. They are often clairsentient, which refers to the way they sense what is happening. You may call it a “gut” feeling. Oftentimes, they instinctively know if something is wrong or if someone can be trusted.
Children also possess a greater ability to empathise. They can feel what another person or creature is feeling. This is different from observing. They can actually feel the emotions as though they were their own. For instance, when a child says with certainty that a pet is afraid or sad, it’s probably because he or she is able to empathise.
Children often carry these wonderful traits. And then there are those who stand out for certain abilities that are so amazing they just can’t be denied, such as in the case of psychic kids. These are children who boast a greater connection to chi.
There are children who will tell you what happened in your past and what’s going to happen in your future. Some will warn you of impending danger. Others may give you a tip or an advice about something you may be privately deliberating on. You really will have to pay attention.
There’s also the sixth sense. You probably saw the movie. Do not be altogether too dismissive when a child goes up to you and tells you a message from a dearly departed. Hopefully, a child doesn’t see the spirits in the condition in which they died, like in the movie. When handled correctly, this gift could prove to be very beneficial and comforting, something that they can nurture to adulthood. After all, mediums give hope to many who wish to remain connected to their deceased loved ones.
Children are amazing. They are often capable of many wonderful things. We should trust them more and respect their abilities.