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The Types of Psychic Readings You Can Receive

different psychic readings

The general consensus would think that a psychic reading is the same and is just a reading of your future. However, there is more than one type of psychic reading you can receive when speaking with a psychic over the phone.

Psychic readers from Psychic Central are equipped in their specific skills to provide the right type of psychic reading to our callers. This article will give you an overview of the types of psychic reading and allow you to understand which is the best for you.

What Are The Types Of Psychic Readings?

There are many types of psychic readings; the most popular or well known are shown below.


Astrology readings should not be confused with horoscopes. A chart is drawn which crosses two paths, your time and place of birth. This reveals the immense energies within you and your potentials you were born with.

Interestingly enough astrologers use their innate powers to look at the current planet positions in the heavens and compare them to when you were born to predict the current and future trends in your life. Astrology psychic readings are great when timing is of importance to you and your situation.


Clairvoyance is one of the main psychic abilities seen in many of our Psychic Central readers.  Clairvoyance means ‘clear sight’, which allows psychic’s to tap into visuals and imagery related to a person’s life, whether it is past, present or future visions.

This term is extremely synonymous with the understanding of the word ‘psychic’. Clairvoyants can be asked any types of questions and use confirmations through names, places, times and relationships for example to help present the message or answer you are looking for.


Psychometry is the use of an article or object of the client’s to tap into their unique vibrations. They also use an object of their own that allows them to receive information from the spiritual world and pass onto you.

Crystal Ball Readings

People’s understandings of psychic’s resonate with crystal ball readings a lot due to the presence of films over the last 4 decades. Crystal ball readings combine a mixture of clairvoyance and psychometry as it involves the use of a special object and can also see images or visions through their crystal ball.

The crystal ball is a great representation from film, which is why many people are confused when psychics don’t have them for a reading. However, this is not to downplay their type of reading or skill, as it is very powerful.


Channeling allows psychics to use audio frequencies to communicate with disembodied beings such as angels or spirit guides. These psychic readings are commonly confused with mediumship, which you will see below. Psychics who can communicate with these spirit guides through channeling will usually be a facilitator of information which can come through speech or writing from the psychic.


Another type of psychic reading that has received a lot of attention from television is mediumship. This type of reading allows a psychic to connect with a loved one who has passed on. It allows people to have a sense of closure to make sure the loved one is ok and pass on any messages from the deceased person about what to look out for and things that are coming your way.

Some psychics who use mediumship are also great at channeling which allows them to connect on a high spiritual level.

Tarot Readings

Tarot Readings involves the use of a special deck of cards to portray the significance in one’s life and what the future holds. This type of psychic reader is widely used and is another type of accurate psychic reading that can be done over the phone.

Pick Your Favourite Type of Psychic Reading and Call Psychic Central Today!

We hope that you have a better understanding of the different psychic readings available to you now. To have a live psychic reading over the phone click the link before and follow the instructions on the page. We look helping you gain more clarity in your life.